PESERICO, perfect synthesis

Peserico’s language of look breaks the rules spotlighting actuality, by reinterpreting what is.

Classic elegance analysed, questioned, inverted and subverted in an international act of estrangement that makes us reconsider what we think will be the trend for the coming winter.

Thoughts that lead straight to exploring the universe of a firm that has made an international emblem of its passion for haut couture. We’re talking about a tailoring tradition founded back in 1962 in Cornedo Vincentino on the creative capacity of Maria Peserico, who from a little workshop specializing in women’s trousers created an internationally renowned.

A company that has reaffirmed its aesthetic and cultural codes year after year, constantly probing the present to always be actual in a continually changing society, but always holding on to the underlying themes of it origins.

The Maria Perserico look, now under the guidance of the family’s second generation through her son, Riccardo the company CEO, with creatie director Paolo Gonnella, not only goes beyond different times and epochs, but the concepts and the judgements that afflict the world of fashion and design as well.

In a continual putting back into play of what’s right or wrong, good taste or bad taste, chic or cheap, perfect or imperfect her collections become expressive exercises that allow what is to reveal itself with the aggressive, seductive attraction of the new.

This operation, this method, cannot but reverberate in every element of the femminine wardrobe, in the pure white of the pant suits doubling into shades of beige and camel, the exclusive macro-checks aligned with classic pinstripes or the outfits in slate grey corduroy.

And in the men’s too where suits and outerwear of indisputable elegance define the harmony of the man in a play of fluid volumes and pure, essential lines.

Each of these items becomes a tile making up that social-artistic mosaic that, season after season, redesigns the female (and male) figure representative of our actuality.

And in the dialectic between form and function, Perserico’s search seeks conciliation between meaning and practical use.

The new collections for this winter are aimed at subverting classic fashion through a rediscovery of canonic lines even in the accessories.  Basically, there’s curiosity in the work, the care for detail, the manufacture and the exaltation of practical and creative mastery.

Further codes of an approach to style truly unique in the fashion of today.