The discreet Mr. Alshair Fiyaz. A man who runs on passion. Having gained notoriety through his vastly successful investment firm, as well as being the owner of innovative super yacht M/Y Ecstasea, he has yet again turned his skill for business towards building a dream: a world-class Polo club.


F.1.M. : As a well-established regular in St Tropez, what were your feelings when you first realized that you had the opportunity to purchase the Polo Club, having already a well-founded love for this sport, from playing in a small field close to Gassin. Was it about passion, challenge or business?

A.F. : This is not about business, it’s about looking after our community, visitors, clients, players and patrons. I had a vision for what could be achieved. It’s a unique property with surrounding countryside in an ideal location.

F.1.M. : Was your immediate aim to grow the St Tropez Polo Club into one of the best in the world, or has this become inevitable from mixing your attitude for business with your passion for Polo?

A.F. : It’s a picturesque property; it would be a crime not to make it into something that is not only beautiful but also a world-class facility. As they say, if  a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well…

F.1.M. : With the impressive additions to the infrastructure of the club over the past year, you are already attracting a higher calibre of polo players. Having achieved this in such a short period of time, where do you see the next successes of the club over the coming years?

A.F. : Having, as you say, made some really far-reaching improvements to St Tropez Polo Club over the last two years, the job now is to keep finding ways to improve the club even more, and – at the same time – to ensure that polo patrons, players, sponsors and spectators can benefit from what we have done and what we have to offer.

F.1.M. : In the process of raising the profile of your club, and increasing the quality of tournaments played, how do you combine the need to play on the glamorous image of St Tropez and all those who moor off its coastline, (on yachts such as the Ecstasea), to appeal to both sponsors and a wider audience?

A.F. : I believe that St Tropez speaks for itself – but what you say is, of course, correct. Our location means that even beyond the polo club our visitors, players and sponsors can have a great time, in a way that perhaps is not so possible in many other polo club locations.

F.1.M. : Our final question is rather light-hearted… As a superyacht owner, and an avid polo fan, would you prefer to spend an afternoon on your yacht or on a horse competing with the best players?

A.F. : Polo Club without a doubt!